1. General
All of the terms and conditions set out on this page are subject to change without notice. Where the term current month appears in this page it refers to the current calendar month in the timezone UTC+0.
2. Site Visitors
Visitors to the site agree to the terms in this section (2).
2.1 Site content
Minecraftiplist.com seeks to provide accurate and useful content, however visitors should be aware that listings are published by our members and we cannot validate or be held responsible for content published by our members. (We do request that you alert us to any inappropriate content should you find any)
2.2 Statistics
We generate statistics about our members' servers using an automated ping system and database. We aim to provide this information as accurately as possible. Users should however be aware that no system is infallible and we do not as such make any guarantee as the the level of accuracy of our statistics, (though we hope and expect it to be high). The displayed uptime percentage is for the current month (previous uptime history can be seen by looking at the graphs).
2.3 Cookies
We install a session cookie in your browser that lasts for the duration of your visit. This allows the site to uniquely identify your visit and therefore display the content you have requested (you wouldn't want to get someone else's search results, right?). This cookie is essential to the operation of the site. This cookie is deleted automatically by your browser when you shut it down. If you block session cookies you will not be able to log in or vote, and your timezone will be assumed to be London. We use Google Analytics to generate anonymous aggregate statistics about how visitors use the site, such as how long is spent viewing individual pages. Google Analytics cookies are persistent first party cookies, which do not track any personal data nor do they track you across multiple websites. Various third party content providers including Google and Facebook may set persistent third party cookies. You can adjust your browser's settings to control how cookies are set and / or remove existing cookies. Please see here for more information.
2.4 Third-party advertising companies
We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our Web site. These companies may use aggregated information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, click here.
2.5 Server logs
The Apache web server is used on over 50% of the worlds web sites. Its default configuration is (usually) to log the ip address of all visitors. Like most web sites, we do not change this setting. We use the log files for system maintainence and no other purpose. We reserve the right to use the log files for investigating malicious or illegal activity.
2.6 Voting
You may vote for 5 servers in 24 hours. If the server owner has registered their Votifier details with us then your vote will be sent to their server. If the server's Votifier port is unreachable or the server's Votifier details are not registered, you vote will be retried every 10 minutes for 24 hours. All votes are counted regardless of whether the the server supports Votifier or not. If you votes don't seem to be giving you the in-game rewards you expect, please contact the server owner and ask them to check their settings. The total vote count displayed is for the current month.
3. Members
3.1 General
Members agree to adhere to the terms which apply to visitors, above.
3.2 Listing types
This site is for listing Minecraft servers only. Servers running variants of Minecraft such as Spigot, Bukkit, Tekkit, Spout etc are permitted. The listing of servers for other computer games is not permitted. The listing of items that are not servers (whether or not they pertain to minecraft) is not permitted.
3.3 Listing content
"Content" in this case refers to your server description, picture, hostname and any other text you enter in your listing. Advertising and spamming are prohibited. Adult content is prohibited (please remember that a lot of young children play Minecraft). Content which is abusive, racist, or otherwise hateful is prohibited. Content which would invite an attack on our server is prohibited. Illegal content is prohibited.
3.4 Web link
If your website contains significant quantities of the above prohibited content (with the exception of advertising) then your web link is not welcome. Web links to malware are prohibited. Weblinks which attempt to compromise computers are prohibited. Web links which attempt to compromise the identity of a person, organisation or other entity are prohibited.
3.5 Server pings
By listing your server with us, you agree that we will ping your server periodically, with a minimum interval of five minutes (ie there will be at least 5 minutes between pings). Very occasionally, when the ping tester is restarted, you may receive more than one ping in 5 minutes. A "ping" in this context is not ICMP but instead refers to the process that the Minecraft client uses to check whether a server is online. You agree to only list servers which return accurate information about the number of online players and the maximum number of players. Your ping response is used to determine whether your server is up and hence to calculate your uptime. Servers which send malformed ping responses may be marked as down. If your hostname cannot be resolved your server will be marked as down (doesn't apply to servers which are listed by ip address). Ping statistics are recorded on an hour by hour basis.
3.6 De-listing of dead servers
Servers with zero uptime for the current month will be relegated to the bottom of the random list. Servers which have been listed for more than a month, but which have never been online will be de-listed. Servers which have been offline for more than 100 days will be de-listed. If you fix the problem with your server after it has been de-listed you are welcome to re-list it again.
3.7 Servers on VPN
Servers on Virtual Private Networks must be listed with clear instructions as to how the players can gain access to the VPN. Servers without those instruction will be considered "dead" for the purposes described in 3.6. We plan to add automated support for LogmeIn Hamachi in the future - when this support is added, owners of existing Hamachi listings will be contacted and invited to update their listing accordingly. From that point on, Hamachi servers that are unreachable using the credentials supplied will be treated as dead servers.
Copyright / Trademarks
© 2025 Minecraftiplist.com
Minecraft is a trademark of Mojang AB, with whom we are not affiliated.