| Vanilla Coop Survival | Whitelisted SMP | Season 6 [Started] Minecraft Server IP


Welcome to the Overview of The McMeddons Community Server on

McMeddons Community Server, the Creative Coop Survival Adventure SMP
Play together on McMeddons latest custom survival worlds. Where you can explore and adventure through the most stunning landscapes and biomes. Build your dream base, make friends and enjoy Minecraft like never before.

How to join?
Head over to and enter in #server-whitelist your Minecraft Name,
you will be added manually to the server.

Check for the:
✅ sign, to see if you´ve been added
🔥 sign, to see if there's an issue

JAVABEDROCKplay.mcmeddon.complay.mcmeddon.comPort: 25565Port: 25565

SeasonStartRestartMap115. September30. OctoberGerohall21st July 202231. DecemberEmarpid31st January 202331. AprilYorotorm41st May 202331. AugustGezalkor51st September 202331. DecemberRakazrion61st January 202331. AprilUramaxos

Calendar provided by CaraRose

What is it?
- A community server to play vanilla Minecraft together with other people on
McMeddon´s Custom Worlds in an protected environment
- A way to showcase worlds to people that haven't been able to see the worlds
- A little longterm-present to you awesome people

What can I do?
- Survival survival survival ~
- Play, trade, adventure or explore the latest custom Maps

Will I be able to save my progress?
- Currently, each season will reset everybody, to give a plane level field for everyone on the next map

Is it Public?
- The worlds will be accessible & playable for everyone but its whitelisted

Will there be PVP, mini-games, etc?
- The main focus is on a coop survival community

Season 6 Roadmap

WhatDay 1- Map Release
- WorldBorder set at 1500x1500
- New Years CelebrationDay 2WorldBorder increase +250
Enable ShopkeeperDay 3WorldBorder increase +250
End enabledDay 4 -20
WorldBorder increase +250

Week 1
Adding Spawn MerchantWeek 2
Spawn Merchant 2
Palace Update 1
Adding MineshaftWeek 3
Spawn Update 1
Individual Scavenger Hunt 1
Adding new Ancient CityWeek 4
Arena Addition
Individual Scavenger Hunt 2
Adding new StrongholdWeek 5
Adding additional MineshaftsPlanned
World Event House Riddle 1 (Intrusion)Planned
World Event House Riddle 2 (Breakout)Planned
World Event House Riddle 3 (Overgrown)Planned
World Event (Impact)Planned
World Event Invasion Event 1Planned
World Event Invasion Event 2Planned
Search and Destroy QuestPlanned
New Custom Dungeon




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What is the Server IP for | Vanilla Coop Survival | Whitelisted SMP | Season 6 [Started]?

The IP for the | Vanilla Coop Survival | Whitelisted SMP | Season 6 [Started] is:

What Game modes can I play on | Vanilla Coop Survival | Whitelisted SMP | Season 6 [Started]?

On | Vanilla Coop Survival | Whitelisted SMP | Season 6 [Started] you can enjoy the following game modes:

What versions does the | Vanilla Coop Survival | Whitelisted SMP | Season 6 [Started] server support? | Vanilla Coop Survival | Whitelisted SMP | Season 6 [Started] currently supports versions: ?