Server Details
TAGS | SurvivalPVPStaffServerSpigotPVEBukkitBestRaidingMinecraftCommunityFunAnarchyRoleplaySilk SpawnersGoodEconomyFreeSemi VanillaAdventureBuildingVanillaTechnicSemi-AnarchyRightsAnarchy SurvivalStraightupminecraftFeatherAnarchy PvPFeather64 |
feather64 Minecraft Server IP
About feather64
feather64 has been operating since 2012.
Our current map was started January 7th 2021 (Season 12).
Server Trailer (player-made)
We created the server after some of our favorite servers closed and we were unable to find the same game style. We are a Raiding-Survival server with very little moderation. We allow raids, PVP, and griefing. On feather64 you cannot protect/claim land. We have a clans system, an economy system which uses Lapis Lazuli, and basic commands like sethome and tpa. Play your way on feather64. Grief and raid, hide and collect, design and construct, enchant and pvp, it's up to you.
Do not use macros, mods, or hacked clients. QOL mods are allowed.
Do not use dupes which work on all items. Dupes which work on one item, are allowed.
Follow the directions of admins and mods. Directions given to other players do not apply to you.
Loopholes will NOT be honoured. Administrators' discretion will lead.
Most of our active players are located in North America however all are welcome. Many of our players are friendly and supportive however because we provide very limited moderation, you may find some toxic players. You are able to use type "/ignore <player>" for anyone that bothers you.
We have an active Discord server for feather64. Discord is where we give out important information about the server. You'll find voice channels with active players and text channels with memes etc. If you join the Minecraft server and decide to stick around, please join the discord. INVITE LINK You will not be able to send messages or join voice channels on the discord server until you link your Minecraft account to your Discord account.
Server Features
Teleportation - You are able to teleport to a few warps /warp, /warp <warp>, spawn /spawn, a private home location set by you /sethome, /home, and other players if they accept /tpa <player>.World - The world generation is default vanilla.The End - The End resets on the 1st and 16th of every month. The reset occurs at 7:30 PM ET. This makes the end a very poor choice for a base location.Spawners - All players are able to collect spawners my mining them with a silk touch enchanted pickaxe.Events/Mini games - From time to time we provide fun games or events to the players. These do not affect the survival world inventories.Discord - As mentioned above, discord is the main source of server information and the center of our community. Please link your Discord by typing "/discord link" on the Minecraft server.
What is the Server IP for feather64?
The IP for the feather64 is:
What Game modes can I play on feather64?
On feather64 you can enjoy the following game modes:
What versions does the feather64 server support?
feather64 currently supports versions: Purpur 1.21.1