WopCraft Minecraft Server IP

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Our server is new, but we have big plans for the future. We want to create a fun and friendly environment where people can play with their friends and enjoy their time. In the long term, we want to host servers for many different games. We believe that having fun and respecting everyone is essential to creating a great community. We want our server to be a place where people can come together and relax, without having to worry about being harassed or bullied. If you're looking for a fun and friendly place to play Minecraft, we invite you to join us. We're always looking for new players, and we're committed to providing a positive and welcoming environment for everyone.


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Viewed 10 times

What is the Server IP for WopCraft?

The IP for the WopCraft is: play.wopcraft.net

What Game modes can I play on WopCraft?

On WopCraft you can enjoy the following game modes:

What versions does the WopCraft server support?

WopCraft currently supports versions: ?