Vnlla Minecraft Server IP

Server Details

IP Address

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Server Tags


1. No hacks

2. No Doxxing

3. No threats of doxxing or swatting or ddos

4. No DDoS

5. No Advertising other servers

6. Use Common Sense

We want the server to thrive with as little toxicity as possible. Thanks!

We hope you enjoy one of the only central survival servers in existence.

We have selected Denver Colorado to be the location of the server to provide low latency/ping for everyone in the United States and Canada.


Total Users

Viewed 6 times

What is the Server IP for Vnlla?

The IP for the Vnlla is:

What Game modes can I play on Vnlla?

On Vnlla you can enjoy the following game modes:

What versions does the Vnlla server support?

Vnlla currently supports versions: 1.21