VanquishPVP Minecraft Server IP

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This is a KitPVP server and we are just releasing. Please note we are a new server so there will be a lot of bugs (please report them if you find any). There are gonna be a LOT of updates on the server and we are trying to get big so don't be shy to tell your friends to join and PVP! We're also gonna be adding many more game modes to the server so be sure to try something else if you get tired of clicking so much!


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Viewed 25 times

What is the Server IP for VanquishPVP?

The IP for the VanquishPVP is:

What Game modes can I play on VanquishPVP?

On VanquishPVP you can enjoy the following game modes:

What versions does the VanquishPVP server support?

VanquishPVP currently supports versions: ?