Triangle Juice Minecraft Server IP

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Welcome to Triangle Juice! A Semi Vanilla server with a Dragon theme! We are a player based economy with amazing player shops! Triangle juice works hard to insure all players enjoy there time with attentive staff, Grief protection to ensure your beautiful builds remain safe and keep inventory. The thing that stands us out from any other server similar like ours is that we have custom weapons, tools, armor and artifacts. These items have special properties and just changes the basic items we are use to in vanilla Minecraft. There are emerald and prismarine armor, weapons and tools. Some examples of the weapons and tools are long swords, red-stone powered bows and an obsidian pick-axe that gives haste III We have Weekly events and awesome monthly crates for you to enjoy. TJ has many in-game ranks that can be obtained by voting, players can also buy ranks to gain many things like special crate keys, commands, extra set-homes, and personalized kits made just for you! There is many ways for you to earn money in TJ like jobs, selling items in a shop, auction house, in crates and participating in our weekly events. We hope you come and play on our server that is filled with amazing staff and members.You can also join our very friendly discord server. IP:


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Viewed 68 times

What is the Server IP for Triangle Juice?

The IP for the Triangle Juice is:

What Game modes can I play on Triangle Juice?

On Triangle Juice you can enjoy the following game modes:

What versions does the Triangle Juice server support?

Triangle Juice currently supports versions: ?