The Realm of Andor Minecraft Server IP

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We built Andor with the intention of crafting an immersive role playing experience in a fantasy world. We love Minecraft. We love role playing. We love the fantasy genre. Playing on a public server always seemed good, but ended up being unpredictable. We wanted to build a world and bring people into it who care about craft, and want to immerse themselves in a character.We chose only mods that enhanced the natural world you'll find yourself in. We chose these mods very carefully and with the intent to facilitate a real economy, exploration, deep magic, responsible combat, questing, and community. Our goal is to deliver a world that keeps you entranced and excited to explore. We hope you enjoy it.If you enjoyed the Lay of the Land modpack, you will probably like this.


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Viewed 58 times

What is the Server IP for The Realm of Andor?

The IP for the The Realm of Andor is:

What Game modes can I play on The Realm of Andor?

On The Realm of Andor you can enjoy the following game modes:

What versions does the The Realm of Andor server support?

The Realm of Andor currently supports versions: ?