SoldiCraft Minecraft Server IP

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Tired of working for money in real life? Well then, come on over and make some fake money on SoldiCraft! Work your way through society and begin your journey through the governance or corporate track. If money is your motivator, choose the corporate track and build your wealth through jobs, investments, interest and factories! If you desire power, choose the governance track to influence server decisions, tax rates, or if you are feeling corrupt, take bribes from the corporates! Join now and begin your journey.


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Viewed 45 times

What is the Server IP for SoldiCraft?

The IP for the SoldiCraft is:

What Game modes can I play on SoldiCraft?

On SoldiCraft you can enjoy the following game modes:

What versions does the SoldiCraft server support?

SoldiCraft currently supports versions: ?