Server Details

Server Platform IconJAVA
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TAGS SurvivalSkyblockPlotsEconomyPrisonPVESMPProtectionEnhancedLocksEconomy ServivalEnhanced SurvivalOP Kits

|🌟 Ragnarok Network 🌟 | ⛏ Enhanced Survival ⛏ | 🎆 Fully Custom 🎆 | ✅ Co Minecraft Server IP


In late 2011 Ragnarok was born as a simple survival server ruled and governed by its community, over the years it has grown and expanded into the magnificent server network it is today.
We pride ourselves on being unique and custom while keeping it simple for our players. We have a professional knowledge base and wiki with all of our server information.
With our custom item tier system players gain access to awesome items and abilities without having to read a wiki for hours to understand what each "custom" enchantment does. Our players can buy and craft extremely powerful items and talismans, at anytime without needing to modify their game.

Have you ever been building and though "This would be so much easier with flight" but you still enjoy survival? Fear not at Ragnaork we have creative style jetpacks that don't require anything but having redstone in your inventory and typing /fly.
Ragnarok is all about playing the game the way you want and not having to worry about loosing items. If you are to die on our server, You can call upon fellow falling warriors in Valhalla to retrieve your items and place them at your grave site.
We all have seen servers where griefers and hackers run around ruining the experience for everyone. At Ragnarok we have given the power to our citizens. Anyone who griefs, steals, or hacks gets put in our fully custom Douche Quarium, Where Citizens can watch as they run around trying to survive and earn their way back to freedom.


With all of our custom items you are probably wondering how hard it is for someone to get started with just diamond armor. This is where our custom loot tables comes to shine, While mining nether rack our players have a chance to drop netherite scrap. For our dragon slayers out there, when you kill the dragon it drops it's head along with a guaranteed an egg and if your really lucky one of our custom elytra.
Ragnarok Citizens are so powerful that swords and axes are beneath them and not worth using, especially when we have fully automatic assault rifles, and grenade launchers thanks to our custom guns system.

While it's not a secret that servers cost money to run, At Ragnarok we are a NPO or non profit organization. This means that no one here makes money off donations or earns a paycheck for being staff. 100% of donations go into the server for things such as paying server rent, purchasing graphics, paying for custom plugins. We have never and will never ask anyone to donate, Also our donators do not get ahead of other players. Donation rewards give access to cosmetics and quality of life features like being able to teleport faster, make yourself glow, Being able to change the color of your chat, custom particles around your player ,and much more.
It seems like every server now days has a forums and the majority of them are crammed full of server information and are hard to navigate. Ragnarok forums are just built different, We full heartedly believe in "KISS or Keep it simple stupid" We have 3 categories and that's it. Simple and straight to the point.
I'm sure you have joined a server to be instantly spammed by announcements saying "Vote for us for awesome rewards". Ragnarok will never spam your chat with announcements begging you to vote or asking for money. Our vote rewards simply give $2,000 per vote and a crate key.
Here at Ragnarok our staff team isn't seen as people who are above our players but are simple community members who are eager to help others and want to go above and beyond making this the best place for everyone.




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What is the Server IP for |🌟 Ragnarok Network 🌟 | ⛏ Enhanced Survival ⛏ | 🎆 Fully Custom 🎆 | ✅ Co?

The IP for the |🌟 Ragnarok Network 🌟 | ⛏ Enhanced Survival ⛏ | 🎆 Fully Custom 🎆 | ✅ Co is:

What Game modes can I play on |🌟 Ragnarok Network 🌟 | ⛏ Enhanced Survival ⛏ | 🎆 Fully Custom 🎆 | ✅ Co?

On |🌟 Ragnarok Network 🌟 | ⛏ Enhanced Survival ⛏ | 🎆 Fully Custom 🎆 | ✅ Co you can enjoy the following game modes:

What versions does the |🌟 Ragnarok Network 🌟 | ⛏ Enhanced Survival ⛏ | 🎆 Fully Custom 🎆 | ✅ Co server support?

|🌟 Ragnarok Network 🌟 | ⛏ Enhanced Survival ⛏ | 🎆 Fully Custom 🎆 | ✅ Co currently supports versions: ?