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Nowhere Land [SMP] {1.19} {Towny} {Player Based Economy} {Semi-Hardcore} {S Minecraft Server IP
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Warden Towny Server:
Note: You will be randomly teleported upon joining, and this is a big part of the experience here! We HIGHLY suggest joining the discord so that you can easily ask questions if no staff is currently online, and to get help from other players.
This is a small community looking for new members! We have JUST relaunched with a brand new, and updated, server world on January 14th, 2023 for our "Warden Towny" Server!
We use Towny, a plugin similar to factions, but with a focus on communities and building. You will need to avoid death at all possible costs, however! Otherwise, you may be randomly teleported when you respawn after death. This makes game play exciting when playing with other server members, and will force you to make the tough decisions necessary for surviving in the wilderness. This, and the fact that we don't have other teleporting options on this server, make it a great place for solo players to join. So, explore out into our vast and growing world, and find others to work with that you may not have met before!
This server has no monetization, so players cannot pay to win here. Even our staff play by the same rules as everyone else, so everyone is an equal. If you want to support us, then give us an upvote! Our owners have years of server and plugin development experience, and are enthusiastic about developing the community. If you have any questions or suggestions, just stop by our Discord server, we've got specific channels just for that! Even if you don't want to, or can't play MC, come hang out with our community.
Warden Towny server plugins: BaicRTP, ChestShop, DeadChest, DeathCommands, SilkSpawners, sleep-most, TheNewEconomy, Towny, TownyChat, ViaBackwards, ViaVersion, Votifier
Winston's World Server: A western frontier awaits you! Use gold and other minerals as a physical currency. Build settlements, towns, cities, and nations with the Towny plugin. Pray to deities and sacrifice materials for their favor. Evade and watch closely over your herds to prevent the spread of diseases. Travel to collect resources, or find a merchant who can, as some resources are more abundant only in specific places. But, be abundantly careful! Winston's World is an unforgiving place; death on this server will leave you with an empty inventory, and spawned in a random location across the map.
Current Event: Launch of the 1.18/1.19 world is planned for March 4th, this weekend!
Current Plugins: AnimalPlague, BasicRTP, Bookshelves, Chestshops, ChestShop-towny, DeathCommands, Epidemics, LuckPerms, NewGods, ore-control, PwnPlantGrowth, SilkSpawner, SnoozeBar, TheNewEconomy, Towny, UltimateChairs
Coming Soon: A fresh set of new worlds, complete with custom ore and structure generation!
Grinder's Gulch Server: More information coming soon!
Survival Build Server: More information coming soon!
What is the Server IP for Nowhere Land [SMP] {1.19} {Towny} {Player Based Economy} {Semi-Hardcore} {S?
The IP for the Nowhere Land [SMP] {1.19} {Towny} {Player Based Economy} {Semi-Hardcore} {S is:
What Game modes can I play on Nowhere Land [SMP] {1.19} {Towny} {Player Based Economy} {Semi-Hardcore} {S?
On Nowhere Land [SMP] {1.19} {Towny} {Player Based Economy} {Semi-Hardcore} {S you can enjoy the following game modes:
What versions does the Nowhere Land [SMP] {1.19} {Towny} {Player Based Economy} {Semi-Hardcore} {S server support?
Nowhere Land [SMP] {1.19} {Towny} {Player Based Economy} {Semi-Hardcore} {S currently supports versions: ?