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Minecraft Volchensk: Revival [BETA] Server IP


What is Minecraft Volchensk: Revival
Minecraft Volchensk: Revival is a multiplayer, FPS, PvPvE, Persistent world, Faction, Looter Shooter, borrowing elements form popular extraction shooter, survival shooters, and campaign shooter, into a complex yet easy to play - player driven story game. Supporting our game is the famous TacZ mod and several custom mods that add things like containers, terminals, faction inventories, crafting, trading, and in raid bases all made in house by our development team. If extraction, survival, looter shooters interest you then our server is perfect for you.

The way the game plays is as follows:
The game is composed of two primary types of regions, Safe Zones & Raid Maps, the safe zones function as connectors between the raid maps and as places to trade and upgrade your loot and equipment PvP is disabled in these areas, while raid maps are the opposite they range from dangerous to peaceful with loot quantity and quality ranging similarly where the best loot is either locked behind keys or guarded by dangerous routes. Additionally players have the ability to find a cozy spot in the raid maps and barricade it up with defenses and locks to create a base or hideout in the raid map, and even though solo players can do this too this system works much better for factions who can place a faction inventory crate that can be accessed by going to it in the raid map or by accessing the faction menu from a safe zone.




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What is the Server IP for Minecraft Volchensk: Revival [BETA]?

The IP for the Minecraft Volchensk: Revival [BETA] is:

What Game modes can I play on Minecraft Volchensk: Revival [BETA]?

On Minecraft Volchensk: Revival [BETA] you can enjoy the following game modes:

What versions does the Minecraft Volchensk: Revival [BETA] server support?

Minecraft Volchensk: Revival [BETA] currently supports versions: ?