Server Details

Server Platform IconJAVA
Server Platform Icon 1.18.2
WEBSITE Server Platform Icon
TAGS RoleplayHardcoreFalloutFalloutnewvegasSurvivalFnvMinecraftnewvegas

Minecraft: New Vegas Server IP


Minecraft: New Vegas

MCNV is a unique experience from the average Minecraft server. The style of gameplay is so far removed from what Minecraft is known for, while the style remains. MCNV is immersive, thrilling, and contains a cohesive narrative that is driven by player choice.

In MCNV you will create a character that is entirely unique. You can customize your physical looks as well as skills, SPECIALs and whether or not you are a human or ghoul.

Once you are finished with character creation, you are set free into the wasteland to begin exploring, and partake in D&D level of detail encounters with the GM staff. This makes "quests" and the overall narrative experience much more compelling, as compared to a worldspace run on game-y "loot systems" and other generic MMO tropes.

The following FAQ is from the MCNV Discord
Q: What does it set out to do?
A: MCNV allows you to live within the world of Fallout in a way no other media does. You build your character up from nothing, and can become whatever you want.
A soldier in the New California Republic, a caravaner with the largest caravan outfit in the wastes, a gambler in the Vegas casinos, a survivor in the wastes, a repairmen, a scavenger, a leader of a tough raider gang, etc.
And you have the ability to take the life of anyone, or anything you see. You can barter, and steal any item you find. No other MMO has this level of freedom.

Q: What Minecraft version is the server?
A: Minecraft 1.18.2 (Forge)

Q: Is this related to that other MCNV server?
A: I was the lead developer of that other server since it’s beginning. However the project changed so significantly, I was forced to leave and start my own server for the project. I was not wanted around since I didn’t want to create a generic MMO-type server. I want a real RPG experience. To see what has become of the other project, see #⁠wall-of-shame

Q: Is the mod available for download?
A: Absolutely! Feel free to use it as you please.

Q: How do I join the server?
A: ⁠Join the Discord and visit #join-here

Q: Can I use other mods with this?
A: You can use the following approved mods:
- OptiFine
- Physics Mod
- Distant Horizons
- Any shaders you like

You CANNOT use any mod or resource pack that would be considered cheating. IE a minimap, or X-ray.

Q: Who has worked on this project?
A: Check ⁠#credits

Q: Where do I get this one specific role on the server?
A: Check ⁠#select-roles

Regarding any claims that this is a copy of this other post:
This is simply not true. I was co-owner of that project and have continued my work without the help of old team members. For evidence that I was co-owner, please see the following Internet Archive snapshot, from the mouth of the other owner.
With the statement above, he had no right to pull me from the project. The only reason he got away with it was because he held the Discord, PMC page, and YouTube hostage.
My contributions began somewhere around the time this video was posted, which was long before the original PMC post was even made.






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What is the Server IP for Minecraft: New Vegas?

The IP for the Minecraft: New Vegas is:

What Game modes can I play on Minecraft: New Vegas?

On Minecraft: New Vegas you can enjoy the following game modes:

What versions does the Minecraft: New Vegas server support?

Minecraft: New Vegas currently supports versions: 1.18.2