MineServ Minecraft Server IP

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Minecraft servers for a comfortable game. We are just beginning our development. Choose the game mode that you like and start playing on servers for Minecraft. The server was created with the support of monitoring Minecraft and will be promoted in the future.

Сервера Майнкрафт для комфортной игры. Мы только начинаем свое развитие. Выберите понравившийся игровой режим и начните играть на серверах для Майнкрафт. Сервер создан при поддержке мониторинга Minecraft и будет продвигаться в будущем.


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Viewed 29 times

What is the Server IP for MineServ?

The IP for the MineServ is:

What Game modes can I play on MineServ?

On MineServ you can enjoy the following game modes:

What versions does the MineServ server support?

MineServ currently supports versions: ?