Server Details
TAGS | SurvivalPVPPaperVanillaRaidingCommunityDiscordSilk SpawnersSMPSemi VanillaMob ArenaRandom TeleportTradeSethomeEarthPlayer WarpsFriendlyNetherNo GriefPvp ArenaNo CheatGrief ProtectionNo HacksNoClaimsCPvPGSit1.18 Server1.18 Survival |
MelonSMP Minecraft Server IP
Description is a semi-vanilla survival server running on powerful, dedicated hardware with excellent bandwidth! We have a chill and growing community. We are always adding new features to the server and building onto spawn. We look forward to playing with you!
Important information:
Chat Reporting is disabled server-side
Hard gamemode - survival. Never pay to win.
Raiding & PVP friendly. Nothing disabled except Phantoms.
No hacks, No griefing, no claims, no back, no keep inventory.
Owners are active and involved, and neither Owners nor Admins are permitted to raid.
Use /sethome instead of beds to save your location. Players have 2 homes by default.
Use /rtp to teleport up to 5000 blocks away from /spawn. We suggest that you build outside of this range to avoid being raided easily.
World border is 75k+ and will expand with new terrain releases.
Head drops are enabled.
Players receive 1 diamond and 5 experience levels per vote on each of our 6 vote sites.
Visit the MelonSMP Shop to become a VIP or donate
No cheats/exploits.
This includes: x-ray, game algorithm exploits, hacked clients, mini-maps, replay mods autoclickers, macros, intentional glitching, other unapproved mods, item duping, book&quill exploits, block rotation calculations, simultaneous alt use, seed related endeavors, and more.
No major griefing
This includes destruction of another player's builds, farms, etc.
Explosive pvp within a town or an array of builds will be considered major grief.
No access or use of the nether roof.
No Lag Machines or intentional lagging of the server
Attempting to crash the server results in a permanent ban.
Respect all fellow players. no political or religious discussion.
No excessive swearing or offensive language. Hate speech, racism, scamming, and threatening behavior are all considered toxic. Trade swiping and being dishonest while using official server facilities is also considered toxic. No role playing politicians. doxxing and ip-grabbing will result in a permanent server and discord ban.
No advertisement or links in-game
Do not advertise other servers. Do not post any links in game chat.
No spam
Do not use excessive caps or otherwise spam chat. Do not flood the chat with several messages.
No NSFW/sensitive content.
Do not use or encourage sensitive or inappropriate content, including builds, names, and skins.Do not evade a ban/mute.
Ban or mute evasion by any method will result in a permanent server ban. If you wish to contest any disciplinary measures taken by our staff, do so in appeals.
We reserve the right to ban any player we deem harmful to the community.
Arena Guidelines
Teleporting out is disabled.Elytra are disabledCrystal and anchor pvp are enabled within the cpvp arena.
What is the Server IP for MelonSMP?
The IP for the MelonSMP is:
What Game modes can I play on MelonSMP?
On MelonSMP you can enjoy the following game modes:
What versions does the MelonSMP server support?
MelonSMP currently supports versions: Velocity 1.7.2-1.21.4