MadCraft Minecraft Server IP

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Welcome to MadCraft!
MadCraft is a server about the way Minecraft used to be, free of the constant distractions of newer servers, and free of the player-bases that come with them.
I'm not here to flash you with some photos of Minecraft that someone made in blender to seduce you into joining.
We don't have a massive spawn you'll get lost in and starve before you ever see the sun.
We do have a love of Minecraft, and it shows.
MadCraft has a few core features that shape the way the server is played. Thats it. The rest is up to you.
Still not convinced? Join the discord. Talk to your fellow players.
I'll see you there.


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Viewed 80 times

What is the Server IP for MadCraft?

The IP for the MadCraft is:

What Game modes can I play on MadCraft?

On MadCraft you can enjoy the following game modes:

What versions does the MadCraft server support?

MadCraft currently supports versions: ?