Server Details

Server Platform IconJAVA
Server Platform Icon 1.16.5
WEBSITE Server Platform Icon
TAGS EconomyModdedRoleplayLandBuyTechnicJavaCreateSellTransportTechnicLauncherCustom WorldTechnic Pack

MREPUBLIK (Technic or Curseforge) Minecraft Server IP



MREPUBLIK is a new Minecraft server which started development back in August 2022 and the team on MREPUBLIK have spent an enormous amount of time building up this roleplay based server.

Playing on MREPUBLIK you will be able to own or rent properties to live and work out of which includes anything from a market stall, shop in any of the towns and cities to farms all the way up to industrial factories and warehouses with the use of various mods to help with production! In terms of buying or renting a house we have many starter homes and apartment open to players or if you wish to build your own house and do your own design, you can purchase up a piece of land within a city or town. If you get tired of the cities and towns you're living in, you can setup your own towns and cities!

Players on MREPUBLIK can get around the map using buses in the towns and cities to trains to travel across the map quickly to airports to fly the long distances or can opt for their own personal vehicles which they can customise the colour of and the design of the cars and trucks with plenty of storage space for moving about their goods! Just make sure to fill up on fuel!

Players on MREPUBLIK can either be local upstanding citizens running legitimate businesses with the use of the wholesale discount at adminshops to fill their stores or... if players fancy a more darker take on Minecraft can turn to a life of crime. We have many criminal elements open to players to earn dirty money and enrich themselves! Be careful though, other criminals may want to start battles with you and also the Feds will keep an eye on you... policing with a light tough of interference if you go to far.

Regardless of players preference of being legitimate or turning to a life of crime, MREPUBLIK has missions which players can do and earn themselves some extra money!

Daily Bonus when you login! $100 for the first day, $200 for the second day, $300 for the third day and repeat from $100. On average players can earn $6,000+ by just logging in daily.

Trusted players have the option of joining the Civil Service which help maintain the server, build huge projects, maintain roads and transport links to helping new players. We also a have a police force where trusted players can join to help protect players from server core rule breakers. Police Officers can also enforce local laws in regards to the criminal element of the server to frustrate the criminals.

Like what you're hearing and want to become part of the MREPUBLIK Community? Perfect, we can't wait to meet you.

MREPUBLIK Mod Package is delivered via the TECHNIC LAUNCHER OR CURSEFORGE DESKTOP APP. Search 'Technic Launcher' on your preferred choice of search engine, download it and login with your Minecraft login information, Mojang or Microsoft account and search 'MREPUBLIK' and download the mod package. Do ensure that your ram usage for Technic is assigned to at least a MINIMUM 4GB's to ensure smooth running of the mod pack on your PC/MAC/Linux system. Or using the Curseforge App search MREPUBLIK on the modpacks section and download it!

Visit our website for more information including a full guide to the server, links to our discord, server rules, how to join and what mods and plugins we use on MREPUBLIK.

MREPUBLIK Features in a nutshell:
1) Buy or rent properties in housing to live or commercial to start businesses
2) Buy land to build and live on or develop and sell on for housing or commercial use
3) Start legal businesses in retail with the added benefit of the wholesale feature
4) Start industrial businesses to supply goods to players on an industrial scale
4) Start a criminal enterprise
5) Work in the MREPUBLIK Government building infrastructure projects
6) Extensive Public Transport with FREE trains or paying for flights across the map
7) Personal car or truck ownership, any colour, any body, any engine size you like
8) Great community with a discord server for all the help and support you need




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What is the Server IP for MREPUBLIK (Technic or Curseforge)?

The IP for the MREPUBLIK (Technic or Curseforge) is:

What Game modes can I play on MREPUBLIK (Technic or Curseforge)?

On MREPUBLIK (Technic or Curseforge) you can enjoy the following game modes:

What versions does the MREPUBLIK (Technic or Curseforge) server support?

MREPUBLIK (Technic or Curseforge) currently supports versions: 1.16.5