Server Details
TAGS | SurvivalEventsVanillaCommunityFunPluginsDiscordHermitCraftWhitelistedBuildingVanilla SurvivalEscapeVanillaishEvents CustomHermitcraft Like1161survival |
| πLunarMCπ SMP | 1.18.2 | Just Like Hermitcraft! | Minimal Plugins! | Whitelist Only! | Experienced Server Owner! | Minecraft Server IP
Welcome to LunarMC! Our server is a nearly exact replica to Hermitcraft full of like minded players who enjoy everything Minecraft has to offer! We have been around for over a year and do NOT plan on resetting or shutting down ever! Whatever you build with us will stay here permanently! If you enjoy playing with builders, hunters, redstoners, explorers, pvpers, mini game builders, money tycoons, and community banterers, this is the server for you! We look forward to you joining us!
ββββββββββ(Warning: We are a mature server, if you don't like cussing, this isn't for you!)
Just like Hermitcraft, our server offers VERY MINIMAL plugins! All plugins are just quality of life and helpful plugins (mainly for builders). Our plugins include...
-Dynmap: Get an arieal view of the map where players have explored.
-Proximity Chat: Players are able to hear you when you're near them.
-Shulkers Drop Two Shells: Explains itself...
-DiscordSRV: In game chat and discord chat are connected! Chat between both!
-Betterheads: Buy decorative heads using xp (this makes xp have more uses than just enchanting).
-Invisible item frames: Craftable invisible item frames!
-Skulk Sensor and Bundle: If possible, we are adding both of these when 1.18 comes out!
-Better Anvils: You can color item names in anvils.
-Players Drop Heads: Once again... explains itself.
-Armor Stand Edit: We have a much simpler armor stand edit system than on Hermitcraft!
-Core Protect: On the off chance someone does grief, we can do rollbacks and you can see who did it as well!
-Dragon Drops Egg: Players like to decorate with the dragon egg so you can now get more than one!
Those are our plugins! But we have a few more features available that are not plugins! For example, our world size is 20k by 20k. So if you stood in the center of the map, you can walk 10k blocks in all four directions. Too small? We have it this size to increase the boarder size when other updates come out and so players interact with each other more often since we have NO home and spawn plugins! Oh, and we have NO claim plugins! This is because our server is whitelisted and only certain members are allowed to join it (You can see how to join down below!). We also have a shopping district, mini game district, pixel art district, Halloween district, and Christmas district! Oh, and there is absolutely no pay to win. No ranks at all on LunarMC! We also only reset the server in the event of a HUGE Minecraft update like 1.18 since it changes the terrain so much! We also allow tnt duping, auto fishers, zero tick farms, and bedrock breaking! Anything else is a no. We also allow Optifine, Badlion, LunarClient, and Schematica! If it is ANYTHING else, it most likely is not allowed, but you can ask! :)
Our server is WHITELIST ONLY! In order to apply, you MUST join our discord (link below). Once in, please go to the applications area and fill out an application! Once you fill one out, the current members will vote if we want you in or not! If you leave the discord or don't follow the application requirements, you will NOT be accepted! Be prepared to wait a bit to be accepted! This is to prevent griefers, xrayers, cheaters, and stealers!
Current Members: FpsSmoker, CawotteOrange, ShiSA14, Mononymous, Poopslayer5000, Its_EmEms, Columbde, IanTeoh, SirAlmightyShibe, Plerpii, Corvidae, DeatyG, Kiss_My_Axe, Anaisgarfield, Mag_ic, moincoin, I_Am_Orion, Chaos_Cr3ations, MultiverseMC, Bushin_Birch, Donkey_Muffin, Gia_Co, Max_Tangy, MCnerd_Minecraft, NuK_ic, Biggmann01, RollMeOne_Kenobi, ShieldLan, SumaLeea, Metalmanwu, Block_Saucy, NorabyNature, DondoMondos, AReallyBadPlayer, ILoveHamilton, A3P, FawnHickory, Liaminator222, Minh2008, Yayoidojima, lollalope, FunkkyFox, Davincidoe, badlol, Jewish_, Le_Shima, BatedRogue, KnavishWolf, Jorange_Reaper, Otters_Rulez!
Discord Link: (Oh... and our discord is level 2 by the way)
Season 1
What is the Server IP for | πLunarMCπ SMP | 1.18.2 | Just Like Hermitcraft! | Minimal Plugins! | Whitelist Only! | Experienced Server Owner! |?
The IP for the | πLunarMCπ SMP | 1.18.2 | Just Like Hermitcraft! | Minimal Plugins! | Whitelist Only! | Experienced Server Owner! | is:
What Game modes can I play on | πLunarMCπ SMP | 1.18.2 | Just Like Hermitcraft! | Minimal Plugins! | Whitelist Only! | Experienced Server Owner! |?
On | πLunarMCπ SMP | 1.18.2 | Just Like Hermitcraft! | Minimal Plugins! | Whitelist Only! | Experienced Server Owner! | you can enjoy the following game modes:
What versions does the | πLunarMCπ SMP | 1.18.2 | Just Like Hermitcraft! | Minimal Plugins! | Whitelist Only! | Experienced Server Owner! | server support?
| πLunarMCπ SMP | 1.18.2 | Just Like Hermitcraft! | Minimal Plugins! | Whitelist Only! | Experienced Server Owner! | currently supports versions: ?