InfinitySMP Public Server Minecraft Server IP

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Paper 1.20.1

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Welcome to the Infinity SMP, fam! Need a break from the usual grind with Lifesteal plugin? We got you covered! Infinity SMP brings a whole new vibe to Minecraft, with custom gear that's straight-up lit! Take the crown, for example. It hooks you up with mad buffs and a permanent shield against anything that comes your way!
========================================================================== But yo, it ain't just about the gear. We're talking custom enchants, crafts, munchies, and Redstone wizardry that'll blow your mind! We've got every custom category you can even dream of, and the abilities? Straight-up magic from special finds or crafty creations!
========================================================================== Our community's buzzing, with content creators dropping heat left and right! Been rocking this SMP for 2 years now, and let me tell you, we're just getting started! Weekly/monthly events, giveaways, and endless content opportunities, bruh!
========================================================================== So, if this sounds like your jam, slide into our Discord and get in on the action! Hit us up with a 1-minute video showcasing your vibe and what you bring to the table. Show us what you're made of, and let's make some magic happen in the SMP!
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Viewed 7 times

What is the Server IP for InfinitySMP Public Server?

The IP for the InfinitySMP Public Server is:

What Game modes can I play on InfinitySMP Public Server?

On InfinitySMP Public Server you can enjoy the following game modes:

What versions does the InfinitySMP Public Server server support?

InfinitySMP Public Server currently supports versions: Paper 1.20.1