Helix Minecraft Server IP

Server Details

IP Address
Bedrock IP
Paper 1.20

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We are Helix, a 18+ community based around our 1.19.2 SMP Minecraft server. We’re looking for new members who are ambitious, chill, fun & creative. If you want to participate in projects, are community minded & someone who enjoys playing minecraft for all that it is with others, then this server might be for you!

To keep our community safe & close we have an interview process set up, to see if you will be a good fit for Helix & everyone in it.
If you want to join our server, join our discord, create an interview & answer our 11 questions in as much detail as possible!


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Viewed 55 times

What is the Server IP for Helix?

The IP for the Helix is: play.helixmc.eu

What Game modes can I play on Helix?

On Helix you can enjoy the following game modes:

What versions does the Helix server support?

Helix currently supports versions: Paper 1.20