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HearthCraft SMP (1.20): A no-griefing, no-resets economy experience Minecraft Server IP


HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy SMP with a 0% pay-to-win store (verify for yourself here) that has been making the best experiences since October of 2018. We're experts in bringing people together. Have a sneak peek here! We're active on Instagram and Twitter!

The server will never reset. Ever. World dates back to July 2019.No pay-to-win paid perksResource worlds (resets monthly)Live mapZero tolerance for any form of hate speech.Pet systemLevel-up system based on playtime, mcMMO, and economy.Land claimingmcMMOActive and healthy economy system that includes player shops, player warps, auctions etc.Marriage plugin/wild (random teleport) commandLeaderboards with a wide range of categories from blocks mined and mobs killed to cake slices eaten and pig distance!
TechnicalRuns on a dedicated Ryzen 5 5800X machine in VirginiaUses PurpurBlock logging with CoreProtect and inventory rollback, for cases in which the server is clearly at fault./pl is publicNo keep-inventory but /back is enabled and drops are locked (i.e. no one can take them except you) by default.Difficulty = HardTwo main worlds, one is 90,000 * 90,000 one is 40,000 * 40,000. All other worlds are at least 20,000 * 20,000.No entity culling, mob stacking, or other plugin-reliant farm limitations. LinksDiscord: https://discord.hearthcraft.netRules: pmc.hearthcraft.netStatistics:






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What is the Server IP for HearthCraft SMP (1.20): A no-griefing, no-resets economy experience?

The IP for the HearthCraft SMP (1.20): A no-griefing, no-resets economy experience is:

What Game modes can I play on HearthCraft SMP (1.20): A no-griefing, no-resets economy experience?

On HearthCraft SMP (1.20): A no-griefing, no-resets economy experience you can enjoy the following game modes:

What versions does the HearthCraft SMP (1.20): A no-griefing, no-resets economy experience server support?

HearthCraft SMP (1.20): A no-griefing, no-resets economy experience currently supports versions: Purpur 1.21.4