Server Details
TAGS | EconomyRoleplayVehiclesCitybuildBuildingGeopoliticalRealisticArchitectureCountryStocksTrainsBusinessMetroDemocracyHockeySportsCity BuildingMetro System |
Harlon City Server - Economy, Democracy, Hockey, Transport & Cities Minecraft Server IP
Discover our large capital city - Harlon, as well as smaller outlying towns and cities currently being built. The capital city features several major Parkours, plenty of Quests, and endless exploration opportunities. Harlon is a server under continuous expansion, and new places get built regularly. If you enjoy building, you can apply to join the Building team! Curious about the map? Check out our online map tool!
Play Real Hockey in Minecraft with an immensely realistic plugin only available on Harlon! Play the Mini-Game mode with your fellow players at any time, or join a team in the Harlon Hockey League and compete against others - or maybe even start your own team? Check out this video for a gameplay demonstration of our hockey game. The advanced game mode also features a referee, not shown in the video however.
Participate in the Harlonian democracy and vote or run in elections! As a Member of Parliament you write and vote on the laws and bills that rule the nation, ranging from topics such as the economy to infrastructure. The Parliamentary system is an excellent way to gain a better understanding of politics, as it draws heavy resemblance from real-life governing system. Harlon even has it's own constitution!
The Government implements what Parliament requires with their laws and bills. It is headed by the Prime Minister, who in turn can appoint ministers such as the Minister of Finance and Minister of Internal Affairs. Harlon is a Parliamentary Democracy, which means that the Prime Minister is directly held accountable by Parliament, which holds the power to both elect as well as unseat them. The government offers vast job opportunities for everyone as a civil servant at the different ministries.
Start your own business on the server in sectors ranging from finance to food and livestock, and deal with things such as production, logistics, property management and advertising. Harlon features a tycoon-like factory system, where you can buy one to start production of basic goods, in addition to gathering resources at the mine and tree plantation. You could also seek employment at an existing company to gain a foothold in the industry.
Harlon features realistic and exclusive train, buses and metro models, making the travel experience on the server unlike one you can find on many other servers. For a transportation enthusiast there are plenty of opportunities to explore a diverse system with regular expansions. The server also features cars and motorbikes like several other servers, that allow you to quickly travel across the map.
A major part in any economy is a stock market - and Harlon's economy is no different. Our stock market follows the real one, and allows you to trade popular real-life stocks and profit from it in-game.
What is the Server IP for Harlon City Server - Economy, Democracy, Hockey, Transport & Cities?
The IP for the Harlon City Server - Economy, Democracy, Hockey, Transport & Cities is:
What Game modes can I play on Harlon City Server - Economy, Democracy, Hockey, Transport & Cities?
On Harlon City Server - Economy, Democracy, Hockey, Transport & Cities you can enjoy the following game modes:
What versions does the Harlon City Server - Economy, Democracy, Hockey, Transport & Cities server support?
Harlon City Server - Economy, Democracy, Hockey, Transport & Cities currently supports versions: Pufferfish 1.20.4