FlooferPixelmon Pixelmon server Minecraft Server IP

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Welcome to the Flooferpixelmon server's Planet MC page!
We mainly operate through a Discord server, which is found on the Pixelmon's official discord!
(May also get put here at a later date)
We also have a Technic pack: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/flooferpixelmon.1973802

manual download: www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tpfjpxg4n1u16wd4ytjmn/mods-for-the-flooferpixelmon-server-manual-install.zip?rlkey=ll83spv795jbr9dg21jwjlwlk&dl=1


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Viewed 9 times

What is the Server IP for FlooferPixelmon Pixelmon server?

The IP for the FlooferPixelmon Pixelmon server is: Flooferpixelmon.darklight.host:25741

What Game modes can I play on FlooferPixelmon Pixelmon server?

On FlooferPixelmon Pixelmon server you can enjoy the following game modes:

What versions does the FlooferPixelmon Pixelmon server server support?

FlooferPixelmon Pixelmon server currently supports versions: ?