Falcron Network Minecraft Server IP

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We introduce you to "Falcron Network"! "Falcron" is a place to find yourself some new amazing friends, play some chatting games and have the most fun that you ever had playing our favourite game - minecraft! GAMEMODES LIKE: - BOX PVP - PVP PRACTICE - SKYWARS AND MORE Our staff team is super friendly and will help you in every case, you won't be punished without the right reason! We're experienced developers so you shouldn't be worried about your security! Just hop on and have fun. We also offer: • Partnerships. • Active and fair staff, always ready to help. • Giveaways. • Competitions. • Self advertisement (youtube, tiktok, instagram and so on.) • Game Server (minecraft) • Chat games (discord) • Constant Updates. Discord: https://discord.gg/wXjkGEXaga Webstore: https://falcronnetwork.tebex.io/ We also do some giveaways from time to time.


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Viewed 68 times

What is the Server IP for Falcron Network?

The IP for the Falcron Network is: falcronnetwork.ml

What Game modes can I play on Falcron Network?

On Falcron Network you can enjoy the following game modes:

What versions does the Falcron Network server support?

Falcron Network currently supports versions: ?