Server Details
TAGS | Faction PvP |
CivitasMC | COMMUNITY | PVP | FACTIONS | NEW | OPEN Minecraft Server IP
CivitasMC is a server that is focused on community. At the heart of this journey, we simply aim to be a community. We are not like the other big servers who just want your money, who do not care about the daily running of their server. We are starting from small beginnings, we all do. Yes, there will be bugs, there will be boring moments, there will be times where the server does not have a single player on it. Eventually, the bugs will be fixed, the boring times will pass, and people will join. That all being said, CivitasMC is a PvP Factions based server. This game mode inevitably causes rivalries. Which is when the community comes into play. You can have all out war. You can have periods of peace. This is where the community aspect strives. The community vote gets to choose which way the server goes. Your voice will be heard within CivitasMC. Everyone's will. So why don't you come and join us?
First and foremost, we put community first. No matter what.
We have our own custom ranking system. This will be touched on later in the thread.
Factions Fly, this means you can fly in your own claimed area!
Tired of pesky lava getting in the way of your base building? Just get a sponge to soak it up!
Beautiful spawns and other builds.
Tired of manually filled dispensers? Just use /tntfill!
In the middle of a fight and you notice your hot bar is filled with empty glass bottles? We have a fix for that
We have cool downs! This means no more pesky gapple spamming!
World Border fixes, no more glitched out bases
Canon fixes, no more ruining those creations of mass destruction!
Don't wanna manually sell things? Just use /sellchest (or /sellinventory)
Gen buckets! Either sand, cobble, or obsidian, horizontal or vertical!
/FTop, wanna see who is on top? Now you can!
Redstone protection, tired of water destroying your creation? We got you.
Anti-Combat Logging
Mob Stacking, no more lag from so many entities!
Faction Leveling, unlock perks from having members on!
Mine spawners with silk touch
Break obsidian with TNT
Much, much more.
As you can see, we have put much effort into this server, and this is only the start. We strive as a server strive to improve and adapt. As long as this server is up, the heart of it will be the community. However, that being said, we will not tolerate anything we deem rude or simply unacceptable.
I would like to expand a little bit on the peace and war system, to make sure it is understandable. Once every hour, there is to be a vote. In this vote, you are given two options, peace or war. The system is based on a majority wins basis. The vote is taken for five minutes, and then it determines who won. Based on what wins, certain actions happen. If war wins, then it will continue as normal. PvP, raiding, all of that. So you may be asking, why would we ever want to vote for peace? Well .. this is where the custom ranking system comes into play. Once your first join the server, you will be able to choose your civilization. With each one comes with different backstories and abilities, however, I will not get into this right now. Once you pick your civilization, you are put into their group. There are three groups: Civilized, Scavengers, Raiders. Each of these has access to the different types of shops. We use a GUI based shop, so say Raiders have access to the farming section, however, they don't have access to the tools section and do not want to make their own. The peace period is when they would be able to access all the shops. No one civilization has access to all the shops. However, we made sure that no-one has an unfair advantage. We also disable PvP entirely during the peace period, truly making it peace. We may change this in the future depending on player feedback, but this is as it is right now. This is just an example, but this is where the players are given a driving force to why they would choose peace .. we aim to add more functionality to this and are completely open to suggestions! We have never seen this implemented in such a way, so we decided to test it out.
We would love to have you as a part of our server. We cannot wait to see the things that we will accomplish. So like we said earlier; why don't you come and join us?
Come join us:
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What is the Server IP for CivitasMC | COMMUNITY | PVP | FACTIONS | NEW | OPEN?
The IP for the CivitasMC | COMMUNITY | PVP | FACTIONS | NEW | OPEN is:
What Game modes can I play on CivitasMC | COMMUNITY | PVP | FACTIONS | NEW | OPEN?
On CivitasMC | COMMUNITY | PVP | FACTIONS | NEW | OPEN you can enjoy the following game modes:
What versions does the CivitasMC | COMMUNITY | PVP | FACTIONS | NEW | OPEN server support?
CivitasMC | COMMUNITY | PVP | FACTIONS | NEW | OPEN currently supports versions: ?