Block Survival Minecraft Server IP

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Block Survival is a pure, Minecraft anarchy survival server that upholds the integrity of the vanilla gameplay experience without any tolerance for hacking or cheating.

Our commitment to preserving the essence of Minecraft means that we refrain from implementing any plugins or mods that alter the game's core mechanics.

In Block Survival, we believe in maintaining a level playing field for all players, and we enforce only a few fundamental rules. Specifically, we prohibit any form of hacking, cheating, or the creation of resource-intensive tasks.

By adhering to these rules, we foster an environment where players can immerse themselves in the true essence of Minecraft, just as it was envisioned by its creators.

Join us in Block Survival and experience Minecraft in its purest form!

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Viewed 8 times

What is the Server IP for Block Survival?

The IP for the Block Survival is:

What Game modes can I play on Block Survival?

On Block Survival you can enjoy the following game modes:

What versions does the Block Survival server support?

Block Survival currently supports versions: ?