BiscuitLandia Minecraft Server IP
Server Name: BisciutLandia
Server Locale: WorldWide
Website: None (Currently ;3)
Server Address/IP:
Version: 1.7.2
Game Play Type/s: Survival, Creative, Factions, and Games
Additional Worlds: BiscuitLandia consists of 4 major worlds: BiscuitLandia, our survival world. CreativeLandia, our creative world. Factions, our factions world (obviously) and BiscuitBattles, our kit-based PvP game!
Description: Welcome to BiscuitLandia! Where you can try out as many different game worlds as you would like! I have been working on this server for months now to get it perfected for publication, working on making the player's experience all the best it could be. We are still working on adding a donator class, in which you will be able to gain more kits for our BiscuitBattles and more perks!
Rules: Be respectufl to all staff and users, No griefing, Do not ask for staff positions or nickname, no hacking, no advertising, basically common-sense rules
Owner/Admins/Moderators: Tom Fabian
Pictures/Videos URL:
What is the Server IP for BiscuitLandia?
The IP for the BiscuitLandia is:
What Game modes can I play on BiscuitLandia?
On BiscuitLandia you can enjoy the following game modes:
What versions does the BiscuitLandia server support?
BiscuitLandia currently supports versions: 1.20.1