AxoSMP Minecraft Server IP

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The AxoSMP server invites you to a unique experience on its normal vanilla survival server. Immerse yourself in a vibrant world where you can feel the fascination of survival in its purest form. The AxoSMP project offers a friendly and closely-knit community of players who share the joy of exploring, building, and surviving together.

This server revolves around the authentic survival experience. Resource gathering, constructing shelters, and overcoming challenges take center stage. Whether you want to invest in impressive structures or prefer to explore untouched nature, AxoSMP gives you the freedom to choose your own path.

The world of AxoSMP captivates with its natural beauty and detailed environment. With an emphasis on community and cooperation, you can rely on support as you face your adventures. Join the AxoSMP community and experience the thrill of survival in an inviting and authentic vanilla survival setting that's waiting to be explored.


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Viewed 8 times

What is the Server IP for AxoSMP?

The IP for the AxoSMP is:

What Game modes can I play on AxoSMP?

On AxoSMP you can enjoy the following game modes:

What versions does the AxoSMP server support?

AxoSMP currently supports versions: ?