Server Details
TAGS | PVPFaction PvPCapture The FlagFlagBendingFactionsAvatarAirbenderProjectKorraJava and BedrockMinecraftAwesomeEpicEarthWaterFallAirIce and fireSeriesFightKataraEarthbendingWaterbendingFirebendingAvatar Craft |
Avatarcraft Minecraft Server IP
FeaturesPlay as a bender and choose which type you would like to be.
Battle other users and see who is the best of the best.
Factions, PvP, raiding/griefing
Nothing is required client-side
Users may bend water, earth, fire, air, or can go with being a chiblocker.. You may pick which type of bender you would like to be with the command: /bending choose [water/air/earth/fire/chi]. You may only choose one, with the exception of the Avatar, and you may never change it so be careful in your decision.
WaterbendingSpecializes in maneuverability in and on the water.
Oceans are perfect for water benders.
Techniques range from shooting water that do damage, freezing lakes, or even pushing enemies back with powerful waves.
This bending style is a mixture of offensive and defensive.
Water bending opens up many options in bodies of water that are otherwise closed to the other disciplines.
EarthbendingSpecializes in manipulating the earth around them.
Any area which contains land is perfect for earth benders.
They have the abilities to pull columns straight up from the earth, drill their way through any mountain and launch themselves through the air.
This bending style, like water bending, is a mixture of offensive and defensive.
Earth benders do not take fall damage as long as they land on the ground.
FirebendingSpecializes on destruction and incineration.
Any environment, besides on any bodies of water, is perfect for them.
They may create rings of fire on the ground, shoot lines of fire, and even create exploding fireballs.
This bending style is pure offensive, and very little mobility/defense.
Fireball is the only ability they may use that does not require any solid ground beneath them.
AirbendingSpecializes in mobility & defense.
The land is the ideal place for airbenders, although they may also bend over the water.
Bending air allows you to use wind to blast things away, forming a shield of air around you, or using a tornado to lift you, or your opponent, off of their feet.
This bending style is perfect for pacifists and explorers for they lack any raw damage output, but make up for it with their utility and speed.
Choosing air as your element increases your overall speed, decreases the rate of hunger and disables fall damage.
Chi BlockingSpecializes in bare handed combat.
Move faster, jump higher, take less fall damage.
Can block someones chi, stopping them from Bending for a short period of time.
Abilities range from Higher Jumps, Faster Punches, and Paralysis of enemies.
Amazing for pvp, shoot rocks, freeze enemies, fly, walls of water, lightning, blood bending, and more!!!Game Version:Minecraft 1.6.2Tags:Avatar, Minecraft, Bending, Avatarcraft, Water, Fire, Air, Earth, Factions, PVP, Fight, Epic, Awesome, Aang, Katara, Korra, Waterbending, Series, Firebending, Earthbending, Capture, The, Flag, Last, Airbender, Faction PVP
Additional NotesUsers may bend water, earth, fire, air, or can go with being a chiblocker.. You may pick which type of bender you would like to be with the command: /bending choose [water/air/earth/fire/chi]. You may
What is the Server IP for Avatarcraft?
The IP for the Avatarcraft is:
What Game modes can I play on Avatarcraft?
On Avatarcraft you can enjoy the following game modes:
What versions does the Avatarcraft server support?
Avatarcraft currently supports versions: Waterfall 1.8.x, 1.9.x, 1.10.x, 1.11.x, 1.12.x, 1.13.x, 1.14.x, 1.15.x, 1.16.x, 1.17.x, 1.18.x, 1.19.x, 1.20.x, 1.21.x