Server Details
TAGS | SurvivalKitPvPPVE EconomyMcMMOPVPCrackedQuestsBossesDiseaseDungeonsThirstEnglishCustom ItemsNo PremiumCracked ServerBalkanskiSrbijaBosnaHrvatskaNo PvPSrpskiCustom WeaponsNo GreifingBalkanskiOtherHrvatskiNo Grief SurvivalPvE SurvivalBosanskiCustomEnchantsPVEEconomyCustomfoodsCustom FoodCustom ResourcesMob Leveling |
[1.20.1] [Java] Minecubed - Survival without Grief | Custom Biomes | Custom Items/Blocks Minecraft Server IP
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Are you searching for a novel Minecraft experience? Well then you're at the right place. Minecubed is a PvE Hard Survival server with plenty of new features to keep you on your toes! Converse with NPCs in city of Tortelli and initiate trade with them. Or purchase a plot in shop district and make your fortune by selling to other players. When you get sufficiently geared you can attempt to enter the dungeons and try to defeat the bosses. Team up with players to increase your odds of winning.
There are also other features: NO PvP NO Griefing or Raiding players Thirst System (You need to drink water) Custom NPC Vendors42 NEW Custom Food itemsNEW Custom Weapons (New Endgame Weapons with 3D Models) NEW Custom Enchantments
NEW Custom End Biomes and Extended Nether (Full Height) Player Shops and economy Exclusively Cosmetics for Supporter Ranks (NO PAY 2 WIN)Bosses and DungeonsCrates for Daily Votes! (You can even sell/trade the keys)
Tražiš li novo minecraft iskustvo? E onda si na pravom mjestu!Minecubed je PvE Hard Survival server sa obiljem novih značajki koje će te potpuno zagrijat za igru! Pričaj i trguj sa NPCijevima u gradu Tortelli ili kupi plot u trgovačkoj četvrti i obogati se prodavajući drugim igračima. Kad si dovoljno opremljen možeš pokušati ući u dungeon i pobjediti bossa. Surađuj sa drugim igračima da povećaš šanse za pobjedu.
NEMA PvP NEMA Griefanja or Raidanja igrača Sistem žedi (Treba piti vodu) Personalizirani NPC Trgovci
42 NOVE Vrste hraneNOVA Oružja (Nova Endgame oružja sa 3D Modelima) NOVI EnchantmentiNOVI End Biomi I povečani nether (Full visina) Dućani i ekonomija igrača Isključivo kozmezika za Supporter Rankove (NEMA PAY 2 WIN )Bossevi i Dungeonie) Cratovi za dnevno glasanje! (Možes čak prodavat ili tradat ključeve)
What is the Server IP for [1.20.1] [Java] Minecubed - Survival without Grief | Custom Biomes | Custom Items/Blocks?
The IP for the [1.20.1] [Java] Minecubed - Survival without Grief | Custom Biomes | Custom Items/Blocks is:
What Game modes can I play on [1.20.1] [Java] Minecubed - Survival without Grief | Custom Biomes | Custom Items/Blocks?
On [1.20.1] [Java] Minecubed - Survival without Grief | Custom Biomes | Custom Items/Blocks you can enjoy the following game modes:
What versions does the [1.20.1] [Java] Minecubed - Survival without Grief | Custom Biomes | Custom Items/Blocks server support?
[1.20.1] [Java] Minecubed - Survival without Grief | Custom Biomes | Custom Items/Blocks currently supports versions: Velocity 1.7.2-1.21.4