In the expansive world of Hypixel SkyBlock, players are always on the lookout for ways to enhance their combat skills and become formidable warriors. One of the most sought-after enchantments that stands as a testament to a player’s prowess is the First Strike IV. This enchantment is renowned for amplifying melee damage, making the first hit on mobs a powerful strike. In this comprehensive guide, we will unravel the steps to unlock First Strike IV, offering players a pathway to ascend the ranks and become esteemed combatants in Hypixel SkyBlock.

Journey to Combat Supremacy: Mastering the First Strike IV Enchantment

Understanding First Strike IV

First Strike IV is not just another enchantment; it is a badge of honor, a mark of distinction. It amplifies the melee damage dealt by a staggering 100% for the first hit on a mob. This enchantment is part of a series, with five levels each offering increased melee damage, making every strike a testament to your combat skills.

How to Obtain First Strike IV

Gravel Collection

One of the most straightforward paths to obtaining First Strike IV is through the meticulous collection of gravel. Every player must embark on a journey to gather 5000 gravel, a task that is as daunting as it is rewarding. The Spider's Den emerges as a haven for players on this quest, offering ample gravel to those who dare to venture into its depths. Minions too can be entrusted with this task, ensuring that even when you are away, the quest for gravel continues unabated.

The gravel collection is not just a monotonous task but a journey where players can explore the intricate landscapes of Hypixel SkyBlock, encountering various challenges and rewards along the way. Each gravel collected is a step closer to unlocking the coveted First Strike IV, a testament to the player’s resilience and determination.

The Enchantment Table

The enchantment table is a mystical entity, a source of power and enchantments for those who know how to wield its offerings. First Strike IV, though elusive, can be conjured at the enchantment table. Players have found success in surrounding the table with bookshelves arranged in a 5x5 square, enhancing the level of enchantments available and bringing First Strike IV within reach.

The art of enchanting is a skill honed over time, where players learn to manipulate the mystical energies surrounding the table. The placement of bookshelves, the incantations uttered, and the materials used all play a pivotal role in determining the enchantments conjured. First Strike IV, with its elusive nature, demands mastery over the art of enchanting, beckoning players to delve deeper into the mystical realms of Hypixel SkyBlock.

Combining and Upgrading

The anvil stands as a tool of transformation, where enchantments are combined and weapons are imbued with power. First Strike can be combined up to level 4 using an anvil. For those who have mastered the art of combination, each weapon emerges from the anvil not just enhanced but reborn, ready to strike down foes with unprecedented power.

The anvil is not just a tool but a forge of destiny, where weapons are reborn and warriors are made. Each strike of the hammer resonates with the echoes of battles won and foes vanquished. In the world of Hypixel SkyBlock, the anvil is a testament to a warrior’s prowess, a marker of their journey from the realms of the ordinary to the echelons of the extraordinary.

Mastering First Strike IV

The Power Unleashed

With First Strike IV, every hit is a dance of destruction, a symphony of power where mobs are rendered powerless. The enchantment increases melee damage by an additive 100%, making the first hit a powerful onslaught that few can withstand.

In the heat of battle, First Strike IV emerges as a warrior’s ally, a companion in arms that turns every strike into a dance of destruction. Each hit resonates with the power of the enchantment, echoing the warrior’s journey, their trials, and their victories. In the world of Hypixel SkyBlock, First Strike IV is not just an enchantment; it is a warrior’s soul, echoing their journey, their trials, and their indomitable spirit.

The Community of Warriors

In the realms of Hypixel SkyBlock, warriors are not born; they are made. They are forged in the fires of combat, enhanced by enchantments, and tested in the arenas of battle. First Strike IV is not just an enchantment; it is a community of warriors, each bearing the mark of power, each a testament to the trials overcome and the battles won.

Each warrior with the First Strike IV enchantment bears the mark of the community, a brotherhood of warriors bound by the echoes of battle, the trials of combat, and the victories won. In the world of Hypixel SkyBlock, First Strike IV is not just an enchantment; it is a brotherhood, a community of warriors each echoing the other’s journey, trials, and indomitable spirit.


Unlocking First Strike IV is not a task for the faint-hearted. It is a journey for the brave, the resilient, and the determined. It is a quest that takes players into the depths of the Spider's Den, to the mystical realms of the enchantment table, and to the transformative powers of the anvil. With every gravel collected, every bookshelf placed, and every weapon enhanced, players are not just unlocking an enchantment; they are entering a brotherhood of warriors, each marked by the power of First Strike IV.

In the world of Hypixel SkyBlock, power is not given; it is earned. And with First Strike IV, players earn not just power but respect, not just enhancement but distinction. So, embark on the journey, brave the trials, and let every strike be a testament to your power, for in the world of Hypixel SkyBlock, First Strike IV is not just an enchantment; it is a legacy.