In the vast world of Hypixel SkyBlock, players are constantly on the lookout for ways to enhance their gameplay, improve their stats, and gain an edge over their competitors. One such avenue for improvement lies in the Accessory Bag, a crucial component that holds various talismans and accessories.

A Comprehensive Guide to Jacobus and Accessory Bag Expansion

As players progress, the need for more accessory slots becomes evident, and this is where Jacobus comes into play. But who exactly is Jacobus, and why is he so integral to the Hypixel SkyBlock experience?

Who is Jacobus?

Jacobus is a notable NPC located in one of the Village's houses, close to Maxwell. He's not just any ordinary NPC; Jacobus is a wise and experienced character who understands the importance of accessories in the game. With a calm demeanor and a penchant for coins, he offers players the unique opportunity to increase the size of their Accessory Bag in exchange for a certain amount of coins.

The Importance of the Accessory Bag

The Accessory Bag is more than just a storage unit; it's a player's arsenal. Each talisman or accessory stored within it provides various buffs and enhancements that can significantly impact gameplay. As players collect more talismans, the need for additional slots in the Accessory Bag becomes paramount. More slots mean more talismans, leading to better stats and a stronger character.

Delving Deeper into the Upgrades

Jacobus offers a tiered system of upgrades for the Accessory Bag. Each upgrade not only provides additional slots but also comes with its own set of benefits:

  • Initial Upgrade: For a mere 1.5M coins, players can gain an extra 2 slots, along with 2 SkyBlock Experience points. This is a beginner-friendly upgrade that offers a taste of what's to come.
  • Intermediate Upgrades: Between the 2nd and 5th upgrades, players can unlock between 4 to 10 extra slots. The cumulative cost for these upgrades is 21.5M coins, and they grant between 4 to 10 SkyBlock Experience points. These upgrades are perfect for players who are starting to amass a collection of talismans.
  • Advanced Upgrades: From the 6th to the 10th upgrade, players can unlock between 12 to 20 extra slots. The total cost for these upgrades is 61.5M coins, with a reward of 12 to 20 SkyBlock Experience points. For the seasoned player, these upgrades provide the space needed for high-tier talismans.
  • Master Upgrades: For the dedicated players who wish to maximize their Accessory Bag, upgrades from the 11th to the 99th level are available. These upgrades offer between 22 to 198 extra slots, with a staggering cumulative cost of 1.8B coins. However, the reward is substantial, with players earning between 22 to 198 SkyBlock Experience points. This is the ultimate upgrade for those who aim to be the best in Hypixel SkyBlock.

The Special Jacobus Register

As a token of appreciation for players who invest in their Accessory Bag, Jacobus offers a unique reward. After purchasing the 5th accessory bag upgrade, players receive the Jacobus Register. This special talisman not only serves as a badge of honor but also provides players with 10 health and one pet luck, making it a valuable addition to any player's collection.

Jacobus' Words of Wisdom

Beyond his role as the gatekeeper of Accessory Bag upgrades, Jacobus is known for his profound and insightful dialogues. Some of his notable quotes include:

  • "Empty pockets never held anyone back. Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that."
  • "Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants."
  • "Coins isn't everything, but everything needs coins."

These words serve as a reminder of the balance between wealth, knowledge, and desire in the world of Hypixel SkyBlock. They also provide players with a philosophical perspective on their journey, reminding them of the deeper meanings behind their actions.


In Hypixel SkyBlock, every advantage counts, and expanding your Accessory Bag is a step in the right direction. Jacobus offers players the chance to enhance their gameplay significantly, making the investment well worth it. Whether you're a novice just starting out or a seasoned player looking for that extra edge, consider paying a visit to Jacobus and unlocking the full potential of your Accessory Bag. With the right accessories and the wisdom of Jacobus, players are well-equipped to conquer the challenges that lie ahead.