Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions worldwide, offers players a unique multiplayer experience through servers. One such server that stands out in the Minecraft community is Hypixel. Known for its high-quality games and vast player base, Hypixel has become a must-visit for many Minecraft enthusiasts. While it's primarily designed for the Java version of Minecraft, many players wonder if there's a way to join Hypixel using Minecraft Pocket Edition (MCPE) and Windows 10.

Exploring Hypixel Access for MCPE and Windows 10 Users

What is Hypixel?

Hypixel is one of the world's largest and most renowned Minecraft Server Networks. It boasts a variety of original and fun games, from SkyBlock and Bed Wars to SkyWars and many more. The server offers a unique blend of competitive and casual gaming, ensuring there's something for everyone. The immersive gaming experience, coupled with a vast community, makes Hypixel a top choice for Minecraft players.

Joining Hypixel: The Traditional Way

Traditionally, to play on the Hypixel Server, players need a Minecraft account for PC/Mac, commonly referred to as the Java version. The official Hypixel server IP address is "mc.hypixel.net". It's essential to note that other Minecraft versions, such as Windows 10, Pocket Edition, or Console versions, are not compatible with this IP.

To join Hypixel using the traditional method:

  1. Purchase and download Minecraft from the official website if you haven't already.
  2. Launch the game and navigate to the Multiplayer Menu.
  3. Click on the 'Add Server' button located at the bottom right of the menu.
  4. In the 'Server Address' bar, type in "mc.hypixel.net".
  5. Optionally, you can rename the server to your preference.
  6. Once added, select the Hypixel server from your multiplayer server list and click the 'Join Server' button.

Joining Hypixel on MCPE & Windows 10: The Workaround

While the official Hypixel server is designed for the Java version, there are workarounds that players have discovered to access Hypixel on MCPE and Windows 10. Here's how:

  1. Using the Cubic PE Server:
    • Launch Minecraft Bedrock Edition on your device.
    • Navigate to the servers tab and add a new server.
    • For the server address, type in "play.cubicpe.net" and set the port to "19144".
    • Join the server. Once inside, look for an NPC labeled "Join Hypixel" and click on it.
    • You'll be redirected to a login page. Here, use your Minecraft Java Edition credentials to log in.
    • Once logged in, you'll be able to access Hypixel and its games.
  2. Using the GeyserConnect Server:
    • In the servers tab, add a new server with the address "GeyserConnect.gq" and port "19132".
    • Similar to the Cubic PE method, you'll find options to join various Java servers, including Hypixel.

A Word of Caution

While these workarounds offer MCPE and Windows 10 players a way to experience Hypixel, it's crucial to proceed with caution. There have been reports of players facing bans after using these methods. Always ensure you're not violating any terms of service and remember that these methods are not officially endorsed by Hypixel. It's always best to prioritize the security of your account and adhere to the guidelines provided by the official Hypixel server.

Additional Tips

  • Always ensure your Minecraft version is updated to the latest version to avoid compatibility issues.
  • If you face any issues while joining Hypixel, consider reaching out to the community forums or checking online guides for troubleshooting.
  • Remember that while these methods allow you to access Hypixel, the gaming experience might differ slightly from the Java version due to platform differences.


Hypixel offers a world of fun and excitement for Minecraft players. While it's primarily designed for Java players, with a bit of creativity and the steps outlined above, MCPE and Windows 10 players can also join in on the fun. Always remember to play responsibly, adhere to the server's guidelines, and most importantly, enjoy the world of Minecraft to its fullest!