The world of Hypixel SkyBlock is vast and filled with countless weapons, items, and challenges. Among the myriad of weapons available, the Bonemerang stands out as a unique and powerful bow, coveted by many players.

Unraveling the Mystique of the Legendary Bonemerang

In this guide, we'll delve deep into the intricacies of this legendary dungeon bow, its features, crafting requirements, and why it's considered one of the best bows in the game.

What is the Bonemerang?

The Bonemerang is not just any ordinary bow; it's a LEGENDARY Dungeons Bow. Its name, a clever blend of "bone" and "boomerang," perfectly encapsulates its functionality. When fired, the Bonemerang launches a bone projectile that travels a certain distance, dealing arrow damage to any enemy it hits. But here's the twist: after reaching its maximum distance or hitting a target, the bone returns to the user, just like a boomerang.

Crafting the Bonemerang

To obtain this legendary bow, players need specific materials. The crafting requirements for the Bonemerang are:

  • 5x Spirit Bones
  • 10x Enchanted Bone Blocks
  • 15x Enchanted String

These materials are essential components in the Hypixel SkyBlock universe. Spirit Bones, for instance, are rare drops from specific mobs, making them a valuable commodity. Enchanted Bone Blocks and Enchanted String, on the other hand, require a combination of regular bones and strings, which can be obtained from various sources in the game.

Once you've gathered these materials, you can craft the Bonemerang and add it to your arsenal.

Unique Features and Abilities

The Bonemerang boasts several unique features that set it apart from other bows:

  1. Boomerang Functionality: The primary feature of the Bonemerang is its boomerang-like behavior. The bone projectile can travel up to 13.5 blocks before making its return journey. This dual-action allows players to deal damage twice with a single shot – once when the bone is launched and again when it returns.
  2. Enhanced Damage: The returning bone projectile deals double the damage, making it especially lethal in combat.
  3. Dungeon Perks: While inside dungeons, the Bonemerang benefits from special perks like Bouncy Arrows and Double Arrows. These perks give the bone a chance to summon additional arrows that inherit the original projectile's damage.
  4. Projectile Limitations: If the bone hits a wall or more than ten enemies, it shatters and becomes temporarily unusable. During this time, a ghast tear replaces the Bonemerang in the player's inventory. However, players can still fire other Bonemerangs.
  5. Trajectory Adjustment: The returning bone adjusts its path based on the player's movement, ensuring it always returns to its owner.
  6. Damage Reduction: If players aren't holding the Bonemerang when the bone hits an enemy, the damage is significantly reduced.

Why is the Bonemerang Considered One of the Best Bows?

The Bonemerang's unique mechanics and high damage output make it a favorite among Hypixel SkyBlock players. Its ability to deal piercing damage is beneficial on almost all dungeon floors. Additionally, the bow can be enhanced further using Wither Essence, increasing its power and capabilities.

However, like all weapons, the Bonemerang has its strengths and weaknesses. While its double damage and boomerang functionality are impressive, players need to be mindful of its limitations, such as the shattering of the bone projectile. Mastering the Bonemerang requires practice, precision, and understanding its mechanics.

Trivia and Fun Facts

  • The Bonemerang's name and functionality are inspired by Marowak, a Pokémon known for its boomerang-like bone.
  • In earlier versions of the game, players could swap the Bonemerang with other weapons like the Death Bow to deal massive damage. However, this was addressed in subsequent patches.
  • Using the Bonemerang against certain enemies, like Thorn, can have unique effects. For instance, hitting Thorn with the Bonemerang stuns him for a few seconds, allowing players to target him more effectively with other weapons, such as the Spirit Bow.

Historical Evolution

The Bonemerang has undergone several updates and changes since its introduction. These updates have been aimed at balancing its power, fixing bugs, and ensuring it remains a top-tier weapon in the game. Players should always be on the lookout for patch notes and updates to understand how the Bonemerang's mechanics might have evolved.


The Bonemerang is undoubtedly one of the most intriguing and powerful bows in Hypixel SkyBlock. Its unique mechanics, combined with its high damage output, make it a must-have for players looking to enhance their combat capabilities. Whether you're a seasoned player or a newcomer, mastering the Bonemerang can give you a significant edge in battles and dungeons. So, gather the required materials, craft this legendary bow, and embark on your Hypixel SkyBlock adventures with the Bonemerang by your side!