Mineverso Minecraft Server IP

Server Details

IP Address
¿1.8 en 2024? WTF

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mc.mineverso.com <---- IP

Servidor siempre actualizado, libre de lag y un staff atento a tus necesidades. Actualmente contamos con 7 modalidades: Survival, SkyBlock, BedWars, SkyWars, Creativo, Vanilla y CTW.


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Viewed 64 times

What is the Server IP for Mineverso?

The IP for the Mineverso is: mc.mineverso.com

What Game modes can I play on Mineverso?

On Mineverso you can enjoy the following game modes:

What versions does the Mineverso server support?

Mineverso currently supports versions: §c¿1.8 en 2024? WTF