teh3l3m3nts Minecraft Server Server IP

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Bedrock IP
Paper 1.20.4

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Welcome! We are a very old and very long-running survival Java Minecraft server. We've been a community since ~2011, and while things are often quiet these days, we've made a pledge to maintain the community for free as long as people want to play. We are a Java server, but support Bedrock clients connecting through the GeyserMC Plugin.

We believe in preserving builds and worlds as best as we can, and as such, all of our old worlds are available on the server using the Multiverse Bukkit Plugin, and all map downloads are available on our website. The current map has been active since about 2018 and still has a lot of development needed; we have no plans to replace this world for upcoming updates and instead opt for enabling fast travel to newly generated chunks.

These days, the server is mostly populated by the family and kids of one of the owners however the veterans and other members pop in and out from time to time. We welcome new players, but this server may not be a fit for everyone. All new players are "Noob" class where the world is mostly view-only; once you speak to an owner/admin we can promote you so you can build and get started. If you like to veg out and work on big long-term projects this will be a great fit for you. One of the owners likes technical projects, and while they bring extra challenges on Spigot/Paper servers, we have farms for most renewable resources in the game and continue to advance what materials are readily accessible to us.

Official List of RulesDon't be a jerk!Just because you can doesn't mean you shouldNo griefing or stealing, you will be restricted or bannedDon't be a nag or you may be mutedDon't enter or build near other people's houses without permissionDon't build too close to spawn without talking to the groupHave Fun!
Bonus Rule: We don't have an official "no swearing" rule, but kids do play, so just be aware of who is on and try to keep language age appropriate.
Server/Plugin Config
We are mostly vanilla-ish, and our plugins/mods help with gameplay, management, and enabling interfaces for vanilla features that are NOT accessible in-game (posing armor stands, player heads, etc)
Game RulesDifficulty: HardFire Tick: OffEnder Griefing: Off (through GriefPrevention)Player Sleep Percent: 1Server EngineWe use Paper as our server engine, however we have been known to switch to Spigot from time to time depending on needs, though Spigot has much worse performance. Paper includes some "fixes" that actually modify features of the game in a way that is not admin-configurable, these things modify behavior of portals and redstone.DataPacksOur main datapack bundle comes from vanillatweaks and can be found here: https://vanillatweaks.net/share/#Iw37cCMore Mob Heads - Mobs have a chance to drop their head when killed, the head is a player head with a texture baked into the item.Player Head Drops - Players will drop their heads when killed. The dropped head will have a tag showing who killed them. The block is a player head with a texture baked into the item, so texture will persist even if the player changes skins.Wandering Trades - The wandering trader will now sell mini blocks which cost emeralds AND a full size version of the mini block. The blocks are player heads with textures baked into the item.Armor Statues - Provides a unique book which allows the posing and modification of armor stands and item framesTrack Statistics - Tracks some interesting statisticsTrack Raw Statistics - Adds 100+ things to a scoreboard which can rotate and show online players who has done whatCoordinates HUD - Shows the players XYZ coords and time of day above the hotbarStillagers - A custom DataPack made by surfrock66, this allows you to apply a nametag to Villagers titled "Stillager" which disables their AI which reduces lag in 1x1 spaces in trading halls. The still villagers will restock at 8:00 AM and 2:00 PM in game. This can be reversed by applying the nametag "Moveager." https://www.teh3l3m3nts.com/new-datapack-stillagers/Bukkit/Spigot/Paper PluginsEssentialsX - Suite of stan


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What is the Server IP for teh3l3m3nts Minecraft Server?

The IP for the teh3l3m3nts Minecraft Server is: mc.teh3l3m3nts.com

What Game modes can I play on teh3l3m3nts Minecraft Server?

On teh3l3m3nts Minecraft Server you can enjoy the following game modes:

What versions does the teh3l3m3nts Minecraft Server server support?

teh3l3m3nts Minecraft Server currently supports versions: Paper 1.20.4